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The Island of Lost Souls Cover Front
The Island of Lost Souls

David Jackson

The second story in the Island of Paradise Lost trilogy. “The way I work means that the pictures create the story as much as the text driving an attendant picture. The creativity moves on two fronts. The pictures often pathfinding the text.”

Lighthouse Waterfall

When the creators’ made the Island and Garden, one also set a beacon at the end of a great Ocean which tipped over the edge of the world. It fed a maelstrom which like the whirlpools of myth drew in those who came too close to Eden.


The Island of Paradise Lost is a series of paintings that form the narrative of a story set on a fictional island, “a sort of garden meets Eldorado sort of place”. The story focuses on nature, history, humans and their need for religion.

Crashing Waves
Cook Islands Paintings

David Jackson

A collection of pastel studies from a trip to the Cook Islands, all recorded by the artist in a single leather-bound book. This scenic series of drawings convey the island’s beauty through the artist’s eyes.

BUGZ –  The Artwork From The Book

David Jackson & Malcolm Fryer

Epic Science fiction story going back to the beginnings of our universe. All this is set in 2042 with climate change and food shortages being a petty nothing compared to the imminent annihilation of the planet by rival alien beings.

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We have a vast range of works to explore, and they all come from these brilliant artists.