The Greenhouse studio restored!
I commenced art-working this last weekend in the newly constructed greenhouse. The temperature on the weekend was a tad challenging but I put in a stint on Friday night and then followed it up before 9.00 am on Saturday.
It all seemed entirely appropriate as I was painting this magnificent Olive tree.
I had also put together a poem to go with the picture.
I wrote the poem in Ithaca and did the initial preparatory drawing for the Olive tree. I have to say that I do prefer the jazzed-up smaller version I did in Ithaca. I have no reason why this bigger piece turned out a bit more muted. Maybe because I used colours more akin to reality than the hyper-realism
of that first sketch in my book.
Anyhow Olive trees are fascinating, important and have accompanied humanity on their journey so far.
I just love Olive trees !!!!!!!!

DJ…July 2022