Organic writing and art
I like to think lately I am understanding more of my creative strengths and weaknesses. I have always enjoyed travel and my fascination with the Islands has always been evident. I guess it started with an archaeology trip to a
2021..the Ghosts of a year past
The pictures here reflect the intermittent patchy time I have been able to devote to painting.Early in the Year, I was producing pictures for the third story in theAdam & Evelyn trilogy Then there came a lot of introspection as my
The clock of time chimes by David Jackson
Time is such an important part of any story. In this picture, we see the pinnacle as the last remaining visible part of the island before it is consumed by the landscape.
David Jackson “What I was working on before the studio got hit”
‘Harding has become a tiger’ everyone exclaimed. As they looked into the rich foliage they could make out the penetrating eyes of a great cat which stared back at them., Judging by the size of its head, it must have
Live to scrawl another day
The aftermath of the winds: David's story of his studio destruction! "I often spend a little time in my greenhouse studio before I start the working day. On Monday of this week, I spent an hour attempting to finish my