David Jackson “What I was working on before the studio got hit”
‘Harding has become a tiger’ everyone exclaimed. As they looked into the rich foliage they could make out the penetrating eyes of a great cat which stared back at them., Judging by the size of its head, it must have
Live to scrawl another day
The aftermath of the winds: David's story of his studio destruction! "I often spend a little time in my greenhouse studio before I start the working day. On Monday of this week, I spent an hour attempting to finish my
The Devils Needle
The volcanic plug of rock thrust its way from the deep ocean bed some 8000 metres down. The haematite stained needle attracted small typhoons which whipped up and down the reef keeping any Gandrel birds from landing on the numerous
Story 2 & 3
I am working on the pictures for the second and third stories of the ‘Island of lost souls’ and the ‘The light at the end of the world’. The way I work means that the pictures create the story as much
Art Prize – Island Paintings
Art for me is something all-encompassing. You might say it takes account of the human senses and the multicultural experiences one gets with travel. In this human adventure, there is the experience of seeing many different story's unfolding. I have always
The Island of Paradise Lost – About the Paintings
Watch this short video by David Jackson about his paintings and book, The Island of Paradise Lost
Artist Talks – Island Of Paradise Lost
Watch this short video by David Jackson about how he creates his paintings and where the ideas and inspiration come from for his book, The Island of Paradise Lost